Gönül Yazıları

Kur'ân-ı Kerîm ve Hadîs-i Şerîfler Işığında Tasavvuf ve Güzel Ahlâk

The new book results from the longstanding and intensive scientific research conducted by Professor Dr. Çınar. As the subtitle “Sufism and a Noble Character in the light of the Qur’an and the Hadith” implies the content of the book has been edited to reflect the primary sources of Islam, the Qur’an and the ahadith. Depending on the specific topics Professor Dr. Çınar offers the reader broad perspectives, which include classical and modern sources and include relevant Islamic scientific disciplines for example, doctrines of faith, Sufism, and Islamic jurisprudence.


The book outlines an understanding of Sufism in which science and wisdom, sincerity and benevolence, a noble character and thoughtfulness are to the fore, far removed from superficiality and superciliousness, being purposeful and not detracting from consciousness focused on the the Ummah. Professor Dr. Çınar discusses the problems of Sufi-movements developed under the umbrella of Tarīqa and Sufism and which are now aligned to political and business organizations. Moreover, it demonstrates how these movements have diverged from the core values of Sufism and offers solutions based on the principles of Sufism highlighting how to escape from this trap.
Adopting an academic style the text is structured with an introduction along with four main sections which include a range of articles to nourish the reader’s mind and soul. Each article offers wisdom and knowledge and delivers different topics on Sufism, alongside the input of essential scholars and wise theologians. Definitions of a noble character, the essence of men, and the path to a benign heart are detailed and discussed. To respond to the question of what constitutes Sufism, the book derives its conclusions from the Qur’an and Hadith. The relevant classical sources derived from the various disciplines of Islamic theology have been adapted while room has also been given to modern Western sources.